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VICYC at the 2023-2024 Albemarle Annual Conference


The first meeting for the 2023-2024 Albemarle Conference VICYC Officers took place at the Elizabeth City District office on Saturday, September 9, 2023.  The Albemarle Conference consists of the Elizabeth City District, under the leadership of Presiding Elder Donald Jones, and the Edenton District which is led by Presiding Elder Leigh. The 2023-2024 VICYC officers are President- Sister Iasia Collier, Treasurer -Jarrett Dobie, Director of Public Relations - Kai Henry, and Chaplain- Davonte Williams.  Our President, Sister Iasia Collier led the meeting with our Conference Director, Mrs. Gloria Spence, in attendance.


During our meeting, we had an opportunity to talk about ourselves and learn from each other. We also learned about the duties of our offices and various aspects about the A.M.E. Zion church policies and procedures. 


We discussed going to Truthville 2023 on December 27-30, where we will have the opportunity to meet other officers and youth all around Zion. Afterward, Sister Iasia Collier, our local VICYC President, quizzed us on some of the details of the VICYC, its purpose, and its functions.


It was truly a very informative meeting. We were able to meet face-to-face for the first time since COVID-19, which provided a personal touch. We became familiar with our roles and were given the task of studying our VICYC and A.M.E. Zion Church history information and to come prepared to be quizzed again on the information at our next meeting. Meetings will be held once a month, either in person or on ZOOM. We were also given the task of submitting event ideas to enjoy in the future. Prior to adjourning, our Director of Public Relations Kai Henry, took beautiful pictures of the meeting to be included in our local history.  She also took pictures of the meeting being held in the adjacent room of the Christian Education local officers and church representatives.  That meeting was led by Mrs. Lucy Beamon, District Director of Christian Education, and was attended by Mrs. Sandra Davis, Director of Children and Mrs. Lilian Dance, Director of Adults. They focused on CED Month and incorporated the new theme; "Generation NOW," throughout the Conference Year. We definitely had a progressive meeting while enjoying Jesus and each other!


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