The 115th session of the Michigan Annual Conference convened at the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel at Keystone Crossing Airport from June 21 – 24, 2024. Bishop Michael A. Frencher, Sr. presided, and Bishops George W.C. Walker, Jr. (retired) and Bishop Eric Leake assisted. The conference also welcomed Mrs. Gelenia A. Frencher and Mrs. Geraldine J. Walker, (retired) Missionary Supervisors. Mrs. Jean MacMurray Leake arrived later at the conference. This meeting was held as part of the Midwest MEGA Conference, during which the annual conferences of Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, and Tennessee met together. The Planning Committee did an outstanding job!
This conference was “paper-free.” The Planning Committee, chaired by Rev. Dr. Anthony KR Gibson, Host Presiding Elder of the Indianapolis District, determined that all hymns, rituals, and other materials be first posted on the Conference website and then forwarded to the Program Committee headed by Rev. Dr. Joel D. Miles, assisted by Rev. Barbara Haigler. Therefore, no paper was distributed during the conference! Materials were displayed on the two large screens in the meeting room, handled by Crystal Bailey and her Shine Productions Team. Much time was saved, and fewer trees were lost. All proceeded smoothly!
On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the Conference began with Holy Communion. The worship Leader was Rev. Dr. Gibson. The speaker for the evening was Bishop George Walker, Sr., using as his subject “Remembering Jesus - How to Remember Jesus.” The scripture reference was St. Luke 22:19. Some key points were: 1. We remember Jesus by reviewing our past. 2. We remember Jesus as we examine our present. 3. We remember Jesus as we explore our future. The music was supplied by the Midwest Mass Choir, which included several members of the Michigan Conference. Rev. George Walker, Jr. served as Musical Director. Before service concluded, candidates for the office of Bishop and other visitors were recognized.
The conference was officially opened on Wednesday. Prior to the opening of the morning sessions, Bishop Frencher scheduled meetings with each conference to complete business pertinent to the individual conference. On Wednesday, he met with the Michigan Conference in which two churches will be closed: St. Peter in Hamtramck, MI, and Clement Memorial in Kenosha, WI. Other business included information on retirements and the report of the conference studies committee. Rev. Merdis Hudson will retire, and three candidates were approved for elders’ licenses: Rev. Duane Davis, Rev. Judith Stewart, and Rev. LaKeasha Fitzpatrick. Rev. Edwin Walker from Caldwell Chapel in Kankakee was recommended to be received into the Michigan Conference and placed in third-year study. The conference approved the following future dates: The 116th Annual Conference is scheduled for June 18-21-2025 and will be hosted by Martin Temple Chicago; the 117th Annual Conference for 2026 (June 24-27) will be hosted by John Wesley in Southfield, MI. Check Up meetings: October 5, 2024- Blackwell, Flint, MI; January 11, 2025- Virtual; April 12, 2025- John Wesley, Southfield, MI. After the meeting with the Michigan Conference, the MEGA Conference was officially called to order by Bishop Frencher with the verifying of credentials and seating of the delegates. Bishops George Walker and Eric Leake offered greetings to the assembled body. The report of the Committee on Rules was made by the host Presiding Elder, Rev. Dr. Anthony Gibson, and the nominating committee for each Conference was confirmed.
The Episcopal Address was delivered by Bishop Michael A. Frencher, Sr. The topic for the address was: “Planning for the Future” - Jeremiah 29:11. He stated goals for the new conference year:
The address was received with a motion for acceptance made by Rev. Joel Miles. Lynda Byrd responded on behalf of the laity, Rev. Barbara Haigler- the clergy; The Presiding Elders- Rev. Joel Miles; and the Episcopacy- Bishop Eric Leake. The business session was called to order, and the presiding elders from all conferences gave their reports. The Pastor's and Delegates' reports were acknowledged but not read due to time restraints.
Thursday afternoon began with the Lay Convocation. Lynda Byrd, President of the Michigan Conference Lay Council, served as the worship leader. Before the speaker's presentation, a slide presentation highlighting the activities of each conference Lay Council was shown. The speaker for the afternoon was Joseph King Davis, Jr., International President of the Connectional Lay Council. His topic: “Securing our Future.” Key points:
Following the speaker, the life members' stoling and recommitment ceremony took place. The offering for the afternoon was to be donated to the George J. Leake Endowment Scholarship for Hood Theological Seminary in honor of Bishop Frencher. The Lay Councils also presented Bishop and Mrs. Frencher with a “Gift Card Tree” to help them in their retirement travels.
Following the Lay Academy, Rev. Dwight Gutridge presented a workshop titled “The Rhythm of the Ministry.” He highlighted several areas of importance to ministers, pastors and leaders, concluding with the bottom line that leaders’ health physical, mental and spiritual are key to a good foundation. After presentations, visitors were greeted, including episcopal candidates, Rev. Dr. Melanie Miller and Rev. Dr. Dwayne Walker.
The afternoon continued with the Welcome Program; Ms. Conni Davis served as Mistress of Ceremony, Ms. LaDonna Richardson brought greetings, and Mrs. Belinda Gibson and the spouses of the Presiding Elders presented the welcome. Presentations were given to Bishop and Mrs. Frencher, Bishop and Mrs. Walker, and Bishop and Mrs. Leake. There were greetings from the Panhellenic Community, the Ecumenical community, the City of Indianapolis, and the Indiana State Legislature in the persons of Bro. Eric Johnson, Pastor John C. Russel, Councilman Bob Osilli, and Rep. Cherrish Pryor, respectively.
The evening service included the presentation of the Annual Sermon by Rev. Michael A. Frencher, Jr. Titled: “When the Church Prays” from Acts 4:31, he indicated that the greatest asset of the church is prayer. It is the lifeblood of the church. When the church prays, the presence of God is perceived, the power of God is received, and the purpose of God is achieved.
Thursday began with the business period and the reading of the evangelism reports from each conference. The State of the Church and the State of the Country reports were also included in this session. The Michigan Conference report was read in its entirety by Sis. Hattie Washington of Greater Walters. It was well received. Bishop Walker indicated that Christian nationalism is on the rise and Christian traditionalism is declining.
The School of the Prophets was led by Rev. Dr. Lester McCorn, President of Clinton College, Rock Hill, South Carolina. Dr. McCorn’s topic was “Securing the Future of the Freedom Church.” The best way to know the future is to understand the present. There are overlapping spheres: the Black church, the Black college, and the Black community. Strategies for securing the future are found in Ezekiel 37. 1. Review our settings (1-3), 2. Respond to the situation (4-8) and restate the solution (9-10).
The afternoon session included leadership workshops on Emergency Preparedness, Security, Cyber Security, and Risk Management. The next workshop, “Securing our Future: Small Churches,” was presented by Rev. Dr. Willa Estell. Using Matthew 28:16 – 20, she reminded us that we must be disciples to make disciples. After describing the “small church,” she reminded us that the percentage of attendees each Sunday is declining and that ages 21 – 30 are missing. Many are unchurched and choose to “no longer be connected.” Because our mission remains the same, “to make disciples,” and that 80% of the work of the church is done by 20% of the people, Pastors should use that 20% that are true disciples to make other disciples.
Thursday evening brought Christian Education Night with YACM in charge. The workshop leader was Delali Gadzekpo, and Marcus Handy brought the message. He titled his message, “Don’t Quit on God.” Using Psalms 27:13 – 14, he reminded us that we must have the audacity of hope, and the best sermon is one from memory. Visitors include Mrs. Sandra Crowder, International President of the WHOM Society, and Mrs. Jean Leake, Missionary Supervisor, Southwest Delta ED.
Friday, May 31, 2024, the Missionary Convocation was held with Mrs. Gelenia A. Frencher, Presiding. She reminded the participants that 1: old methods must change 2. Enhance the power of one and 3. Reconsider how to reach the masses. Each Missionary department from the Conferences presented their departmental reports for the year in creative ways. After the reports, there was a presentation from Adalynn E. Harris-Ketew, President and Founder of Equity Bridge LLC. Her topic was “What is self-care?” She stated that having health equity is the best opportunity to have good health. Faith and health work together. Clinical trials are important, and we should not be hesitant to participate in them.
After the Convocation presentation on self-care, Rev. Dr. Anthony Gibson presented a session on “Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Reporting Training.” He highlighted policies and procedures that should be followed by the church in regard to sexual misconduct and reporting.
Memorial Period: Rev. Michael Murray, Presiding. The Memorial message was presented by Rev. Yul Lee, Sr. Topic: A Moment of Truth”; John 14:1-6. The roll call was presented by all Conferences. Rev. Anthony Johnson called the roll for the Michigan Conference.
Conference Business: Statistician Report: Rev. Edwin Harris was granted an honorary withdrawal from the Michigan Conference. Rev. Merdis Hudson and Rev. Wash Perry (Martin Temple) submitted letters of retirement. All ministers from the Michigan Conference passed character assessments according to their Presiding Elders.
Candidates’ Forum was next on the agenda. Candidates wishing to run for the office of Bishop were given an opportunity to explain why they wanted to become Bishops. Rev. Eric Shumake presided over the session, and Rev. Todd Jarrett and Rev. Dr. William Johnson served as moderators. Each candidate was given three questions to answer. Candidates participating were: Rev. Dr. Gary Adams, Rev. Dr. Darwin Little, Rev. Dr. Melanie Miller, Rev. Dr. M. Luther Hill, Rev. Dr. Keith Harris, Rev. Dr. Julian Pridgen, Rev. Dr. Anthony Witherspoon, Rev. Dr. Charlrean Mapson, Rev. Dr. Evalina Huggins, Rev. Dr. Victor Wilson.
The Missionary Candlelight Worship Service—Mrs. Gelenia Frencher, Presiding The missionary message was brought by Mrs. Sandra Crowder, the International President of the WH&OM Society. Topic: “Equity and Justice-the Journey Continues”—Isaiah 40. Highlights: 1. We must be willing to teach the truth with power, 2. We must be willing to respond to advocacy with intentional purpose, and 3. We must be willing to follow a just and fair God.
Saturday, June 1, 2024, The Service of Ordination, Rev. Dr. James Davis (Martin Temple) served as Worship Leader. Bishop Eric Leake was the speaker for the service. His topic: “Preaching out of Season” from 2 Timothy 4:2-5. Some highlights: Preachers are to preach. Preaching out of season is uncomfortable and unpopular. Preachers must be alert and diligent and preach through the lens of a camera. Preaching out of season is preaching with authority; preach with challenges and preach with purpose.
Ordination service: Rev. Dr. Lori Holmes and Joel D. Miles participated in the service. The following were ordained as Elders: Rev. Duane Davis, Rev. LaKeasha Fitzpatrick, Rev. Lena McHaney, Rev. Monee’ Orr, and Rev. Judy Stewart.
Youth Council Service: Andre Washington (from Missouri) served as Worship Leader. Rev. Rhonda Hollins was the speaker. Topic: “Lord, Shake the Foundation”, Acts 16:16 20.
After the Youth Service, no activities were scheduled until the Black/Gold Banquet. Rev. Dr. Joel D. Miles served as Master of Ceremony for this gala affair. Bishop and Mrs. Frencher celebrated on this their 39th wedding anniversary. Bishop Walker renewed the vows for the couple. In attendance were their children, Bishop Frencher’s siblings and other relatives. Departmental presentations from the WH&OM Society, Lay Council, Christian Education Department, and the Presiding Elders; also from the Conferences: Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee, Missouri, Indiana, and the Episcopal Area. The honorees spoke and offered their gratitude and thanks. A special media presentation was included in the activities.
Sunday, June 2, 2024, The Closing Program. Rev. Anthony Witherspoon served as Worship Leader. Bishop Michael Frencher presented his final sermon as Presiding Prelate to the Midwest Episcopal District. His topic” is “Disturbers of the City”- Acts 16:20. To disturb is to intervene, interrupt, and interject. After the sermon, the Finance Committee reported on finances for the week, and The Courtesy Committee presented their report. Bishop Frencher presented the charge before reading the appointments of the Lay and Pastors. All Pastors in the Chicago District returned to their respective pulpits, and a new Pastor was appointed to Grace in South Bend. Pastor Miles remains the Presiding Elder of the Advancing Chicago District and Rev. Dwight Gutridge continues as the Presiding Elder of the Detroit Western Michigan District.
This MEGA Conference was spirit-filled and Holy Ghost-directed from beginning to end.
Detroit Western Michigan District
Presiding Elder – Rev. Dwight L. Gutridge
St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church – Rev. Todd Jarrett
John Wesley, Southfield – Rev. Austin Young
Lomax Temple, Detroit – Rev. Orea Peterson, Jr.
St. Paul, Toledo – Rev. Darran Overton
St. Luke, Grand Rapids – Rev/ Dwight L. Gutridge
Greater St. Peters, Detroit – Rev. Dr. Anthony D. Johnson
Blackwell, Flint – Rev. David A. Williams
Clinton Chapel, Detroit – Rev. Dr. Sandra James
Metropolitan, Detroit – Rev. Michele Tucker
Walls Memorial Chapel, Toledo – Rev. Shirley Sparks
Calvary, Detroit – Rev. David Stevenson
Leggett Chapel, Albion – Rev. April Sumrow
Hilliard Chapel, Grand Rapids – Rev. Jasmine Brewster
John Wesley, Muskegon – Rev. Laura Guyton
Chicago District
Presiding Elder – Rev. Dr. Joel D. Miles
Greater Walters A.M.E. Zion Church – Rev. Dr. Joel D. Miles
St. Mark, East Chicago – Rev. George Walker, Jr.
Martin Temple – Rev. Dr. James David, III
Daniel Chapel – Rev. Dr. Derrick T. Simmons
Blackwell-Israel Samuel – Rev. Hensley Al Gooden
Caldwell Chapel – Kankakee – Rev. Dr. Lori K. Holmes
St. Matthew-Gordon – Rev. Dr. Lornce Applewhite
Bethlehem – Rev. Johnny Johnson, Jr.
St. Luke – Gary – Rev. Edna Cook
First Church – South Bend – Rev. Emmanuel Smith, Jr.
St. Mark – Chicago – Rev. Alesia Hillsman-Terrell
Grace – South Bend – Rev. Edmond Walker
St. Andrew – Gary – Rev. Rhonda Hollins
Fisher Memorial – Evanston – Rev. Anthony Morris
St. John – Hammond – Rev. Calva Sanders
Unity – Merrillville – Rev. Dr. David Neville, Jr.
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