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Dear Zion: If I May…


It is imperative that we, as members of the great African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, be either hot or cold! The climate of the United States of America is one of disarray and darkness. Our communities are under attack spiritually, physically, economically, and psychologically. I am very active in the "life of the church" but I still don't know how we are living. What I mean is that it is unclear on every level what this organization stands for when it comes to the daily lives of our members, fellow believers, and the non-believers we are to serve. It is very clear we stand on the A.M.E. Zion Discipline; it is very clear we base our discipline on the word of God; it is very transparent that we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. That much is clear. What is not made plain is where we, as a connection, stand in this world. In the book of James chapter 2, we as a whole should feel conviction. How dare we say we are praying for the non-believers, the lost, the sick, and the poor, and yet we have not fulfilled their basic needs to survive and live? Yes, there are a variety of wonderful ministries and departments that help many people and yet it is not enough. Yes, we have an extensive connectional organization and yet there remains a disconnect. Are we worthy to hold the banner of "The Freedom Church" that our predecessors forged and carried? I know we don't want to say it, however, the answer is not yet.

We are at war. The family infrastructure is being dismantled, our men are being emasculated, our women are being hardened, and our children are literally killing themselves. Our people are being lied to, our economic power is being used to destroy us, and our freedom is being taken away. Yet, here we are, sitting in meetings every other day, discussing how we need to fix these issues. We are so busy trying to bridge a gap that isn't there that we are neglecting our duties as disciples of Christ. It is scary to acknowledge how close to Pharisees we have become. We wear our white when we are supposed to, but I have yet to see that white gets dirty In service of someone in need except while feeding our faces. We wear our black and gold when it's time, and I have yet to see that black and gold in formation fighting for our God-given rights. When it's time we put on our blue, but we own no schools that are teaching the truth. The Bishops wear their royal purple and the Elders in their royal blue, and I have yet to see those colors lead our people anywhere but to the throne of grace! Yes, we must go there, but we were not supposed to stop there.

There is work being done, and still, it is not enough. We have to press on if we are to build the Kingdom of God. We acknowledge the Kingdom of God is in the hearts of men, and right now, the hearts of men are broken, poor, confused, lustful, and full of greed and selfishness. That doesn't seem like the kingdom of God, so it is our job to clean up the house! Thankfully, there are the remnants. The few who do not come for form or fashion, those who do not mind being disliked or not called front and center. Those few who are willing to sacrifice self for the good of the Kingdom of God. The people of God who can see past denomination, past color, past financial status, and educational debt are the very people who are needed right now!

Dear Zion, If I May, Freedom Church


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