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Yonkers, NY - June 2024 …, The trajectory of the presiding elders' spiritual journey in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church began when he was a child. He faithfully and dutifully adhered to the path which was set before him.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” - Proverbs 22:6

The love for the A.M.E. Zion Church stems from the care and support he experienced at Smyre's Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church in Catawba, NC. He is the progeny of Aldon L., and Clara T. Carson who raised him and his older siblings in a Christian environment.  His mother ensured that he was actively involved in age-appropriate children’s ministries at Smyre’s Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church, the Stateville District, and the Western North Carolina Conference.  This is where he began to develop and hone his leadership skills.

As a youth, he attended District Conferences, Sunday School Conventions, Annual Conferences, and Quadrennial Christian Education Meetings. Also, he faithfully attended the Christian Education Mid-Winter Meetings. In his local church, he served in the following positions: Acolyte, Choir Member, Trustee, Class Leader, and Budget Committee Chairperson.

On the District level, he served as the Statesville District Youth Council President, Director of Youth of the Christian Education Department, and served as chairman of the Finance Committee for the Statesville District.  On the Annual Conference level, he served as the Co-Conference Youth Director for Christian Education for the Western North Carolina Conference.

As a connectional leader, he served on the Revisions Committee, Restructuring Commission, and served as the North Eastern Episcopal District Representative for the Connectional Presiding Elders Council.

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” II Timothy 2:15

His educational background is anchored in the A.M.E. Zion Church's chief institutions.  He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Livingstone College, graduating Cum Laude, majoring in Social Studies.  His Master of Divinity degree was obtained from Hood Theological Seminary.  Rev. Dr. Carson received an earned Doctor of Ministry degree from Hood Theological Seminary.  The thesis focus was “Discovery of Healthy Living for Pastors.”  As shepherds of the pastors in the New York City District, it is essential that pastors are healthy in order to lead healthy congregations.

“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said, I, here am I, send me” - Isaiah 6:8

His trial sermon was preached at Smyre’s Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church in December 1991.  The Reverend A.C. Winfield is his father in the ministry.  Bishop Reuben Lee Speaks ordained him as a Deacon in 1993 and an Elder in 1995.  The charges to which Rev. Carson was assigned by The Right Rev. Reuben L. Speakers and The Right Rev. Cecil Bishop in the Western North Carolina Conference was Mount Vernon A.M.E. Zion Church, Statesville, NC (1993), Grace A.M.E. Zion Church, Charlotte, NC (1995), and Popular Springs A.M.E. Zion Church, Lincolnton, NC (1996). The Right Rev. George W.C. Walker assigned him to the Institutional A.M.E. Zion Church, Yonkers, NY (1997), and Rush Temple A.M.E. Zion Church, Jamaica, NY (2002) bringing him to the New York Conference. In 2006, under the Episcopal Leader of the Right Reverend George E. Battle, Jr. he was appointed Presiding Elder of the New York City District. During his tenure as Presiding Elder, he served as Supply Pastor to multiple congregations.   In all of them, he attempted to be a preacher of righteousness.

In 2015, Bishop Dennis V. Proctor appointed him as Presiding Elder of the London District in addition to continuing to serve as the Presiding Elder of the New York City District.  While serving in London two new congregations were established.  One being an international congregation spanning multiple countries in Europe and Africa.

The Presiding Elder serves on the Board of Directors of the Harriet Tubman Home and the New York Conference Board of Trustees.  He also serves as the Chair of the Presiding Elders Council of the North Eastern Episcopal District.  He was inducted in the United Negro College Fund, Livingstone College, and Leaders Hall of Fame in 2011.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  Matthew 5:6

Other affiliations to which he belongs are the N.A.A.C.P., a life member, and a member of the National Action Network (NAN) Harlem, NY. He has held membership in Zion Masonic Lodge in Catawba, NC.  His ecumenical affiliations are with the Ministers' Alliances in Long Island and in New York City. He served as president of the Ministerial Alliance for the New York Annual Conference.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6A

Being proactive, Presiding Elder Carson initiated the partnership with Clinton Jr. College for the aspiring ministers in the New York City District.  This program is the first district studies accredited program in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtaineth favor with the Lord.” - Proverbs 18:22

He met Dorian Marie Joseph when he was pastoring Institutional A.M.E. Zion Church in Yonkers, NY.  At the time she was Chairperson of Y.A.C.M for the Long Island District.  Unbeknownst to her, God was preparing her to be a helpmate for a minister of the gospel as stated in Genesis 2:18.

Dorian was laboring in the vineyard of Christendom at the Woods Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church, Bronx, NY where she held membership.  At Woods, she was Preacher Steward, Director of Christian Education and Superintendent of Sunday School.  Dorian was also a member of the Junior Usher Board, Junior Choir, and a member of Y.A.M.S.  She also served as local Girl Scout troop leader.  Dorian also served as the Assistant Director of Children in the New York City District.

They were joined in Holy Matrimony in June 2003 by Bishop George W.C. Walker, Sr. during Rev. Carson’s tenure as pastor of Rush Temple A.M.E. Zion Church in Jamaica, NY.  Dorian currently serves as the Superintendent of the Buds of Promise of the New York City District.  Dorian obtained her Master of Business Administration degree in December 2023 from American University’s Kogod School of Business and serves as a consecrated Deaconess.

“You shall know them by their fruits.” Matthew 7:16

They are the proud parents of two lovely daughters, Alexandria, and Alexis.  They too, were brought up under the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  Alexandria served as the New York Conference Youth Council President.  Alexandria is the Youth delegate to the United Nations under the auspices of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women. She serves as the Eastern Region Vice President, representing V.I.C.Y.C. of the A.M.E. Zion Church.  Alexandria is a junior at American University in Washington, D.C. where she is majoring in Biology.  Currently, Alexandria is completing her final semester as a junior as an exchange student at the University of Melbourne, Australia.  

Alexis is the Youth Council President of the New York Conference Youth Council.  She serves as the V.I.C.Y.C Public Relations Officer of The A.M.E. Zion Church.  Alexis serves as the technology technician of Calvary A.M.E. Zion Church.  Alexis is a freshman at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD, where she is majoring in Multiplatform Production.

Both young ladies began their liturgical dance ministry at Calvary A.M.E. Zion Church.  They continued in this ministry with the intergenerational liturgical dance ministry of the New York City District, where they were among the principal dancers.  The Presiding Elder holds this edict to be true: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord as stated in Joshua 24:15B.

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” - Colossians 3:23

Presiding Elder Carson serves faithfully in two Presiding Elder districts, on two continents.  For the past 8 years he has served them concurrently.

“Write the vision and make it plain.” Habakkuk 2:2-3

Episcopal Action Plan: 

  1. Evangelism and Missions: Presiding Elder will strengthen the local church by encouraging infrastructure development.  This will include planting churches in local communities that lack the AME Zion Church presence.  He will promote the development of daycare centers, after-school centers, senior care centers, and healthcare facilities in existing churches.  This will increase and enhance the membership of the local churches.  Presiding Elder Carson will work with local agencies to research and provide needed services such as housing development in areas where an AME Zion presence will grow, thrive, and support the community. 
  2. Fostering Unity: He will strive to bridge gaps and foster unity among local churches, and congregants, promoting an atmosphere of inclusivity, transparency, mutual respect, and understanding across diverse backgrounds within the church.
  3. Spiritual Guidance and Mentorship: As a Bishop, the Presiding Elder will offer spiritual guidance and mentorship to pastors and church leaders, nurturing their growth and helping them navigate challenges while ensuring alignment with the values and mission of the A.M.E. Zion Church.
  4. Empowering the Community: Building on his ministerial journey of being a resource, the Presiding Elder will work to lead initiatives that empower the community, focusing on education, social justice, and support for marginalized groups. Thereby, extending the church’s positive impact beyond the walls of the local churches.
  5. Strengthening Global Connections: With an international perspective, the Presiding Elder will work on strengthening relationships with our international churches and global partnerships, inclusive of ecumenical relationships, fostering collaboration and mutual support among different branches of the A.M.E. Zion Church worldwide.
  6. Promoting Youth Engagement: Recognizing the decline and the importance of younger generations, the Presiding Elder will work to develop programs and initiatives that actively involve and empower youth within the church, ensuring their active participation and leadership development.

By employing these strategies and leveraging his passion, experience, and dedication to the AME Zion Church, Presiding Elder Carson will lead the church toward a path of continued growth, community impact, spiritual depth, and relevance in an evolving diverse society.

All of these initiatives found in his episcopal action plan speak to his platform that:







As Rev. Dr. Aldon Alfred Carson seeks the esteemed position of Bishop within the AME Zion Church, his journey is marked by an unwavering commitment to the mission and vision. He has an undeniable love for the church. His leadership thus far can be a testament to how he will be a beacon guiding the AME Zion Church toward greater inclusivity, international collaboration, and a future where the church not only endures but thrives in its mission to uplift souls and foster a profound connection with the Lord.

He solicits your prayers and your votes as he continues on the trajectory journey that he has been traveling for Zion since his youth as a servant leader with a goal of building a stronger Zion. As the hymn writer states “To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill, O May it all my pow’rs engage to do my Master’s will!



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