New Orleans, LA - Oh, what a beautiful and blessed sight to see as the Missionaries and Saints of Zion came marching into the 30th Quadrennial Convention of the WH&OMS held in the New Orleans at the Hilton Riverside Hotel, where Angela Davis-Baxter served as chair, and Missionary Supervisor Sheila W. Monroe served as co-chair. We were welcomed by our hosts, Bishop Eric L. Leake, and Missionary Supervisor H. Jean McMurray Leake of the Southwestern Delta Episcopal District.
On July 22- July 28th, 2023, missionaries and Zionites from various cities, states, and countries abroad gathered, with many new first-time participants, to celebrate their respective departments. There were events and celebrations held recognizing Missionaries and highlighting their work in communities and beyond.
To kick off the Convention, a Mardi Gras parade took place to embrace the culture of New Orleans, Louisiana. It was a wonderful and joyous sight to see. Colorful umbrellas, festive Mardi Gras - style music, and marching prepared us for the week ahead. Though jammed packed with many meetings and activities, the moments were memorable and lasting.
Listed are reflections and contributions from members of the Executive Board:
“I also learned so much about other episcopal areas and the mission work they are doing. We have many anointed people in Zion!” - Missionary Supervisor H. Jean McMurray Leake.
“The Life Members Celebration with a sea of Missionaries in white with stoles filling the ballroom sanctuary.” – Joy Foster, elected Life Members Chairman
“The use of this technology made our business sessions move in a very timely fashion.” – Effie B. Woodard, elected Recording Secretary
“From the explosive WH&OMS Quadrennial 2023-2029 theme introduction by Rev. Dr. Gwendolyn E. Boyd calling us to action to the all-inclusive Departmental presentations/events, every day was extraordinary.” – April Davis, elected Superintendent Buds of Promise
“The success of the 30th Quadrennial Convention Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society was a testament that the missionaries, both stateside and abroad, continue to demonstrate their love, commitment, and support for the work of missions and to “Win the World for Christ.” – Missionary Supervisor Lovetta J. Holmes
“We honored our ancestors as Young Adults, Mrs. Nicole Charles, powerfully sang "Stand Up", featured in the Movie Harriet, and we ended the night dancing at the Bling Ball with our tennis shoes!” – Karlease Smalls, elected Coordinator of YAMS
“The AIP Expo/President’s Gala! It was our first event—-my benchmark—-trusting that if we began well, we would end well!!! Yes! I’m praising God for a wonderful 30th Quadrennial Convention from beginning to end!” – Missionary Supervisor D. Diane Proctor
“My favorite highlight was posing for a picture with my beautiful Sorors, Rev. Gwendolyn Boyd, the 22nd National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and our WH&OMS International President, Mrs. Sandra Crowder.” – Patty Smith, elected 2nd Vice President
“The late-night Youth activities gave them opportunities to get to know youth throughout the connection.” – Melva Polk-Wright, Secretary of Youth Missionaries
“The WH&OMS 30th Quadrennial Convention was unimaginably empowering and impactful beyond words! I am eagerly looking forward to how God will bless our time together in 2027!” – Missionary Supervisor Felica Thompson
“To witness the phenomenal and purposeful reports of the Executive Board was a highlight since the health pandemic threatened to halt the work of the Society, which it did not. I will forever remember Rev. Dr. Gwendolyn E Boyd, Exploration of the Theme Presenter, for reminding us to "Keep Going" and to continue the journey as Truth Tellers.” – Sandra Crowder, International President
As I serve in this position as the youngest Communications Director, my election gave me the momentum and encouragement necessary for the next four years. I do decree and declare, and it is so, that the best is yet to come. As we enter this Quadrennial, we will strive forward with our theme, “Reaching the Masses in an Ever-Changing World, the Journey Continues.”
Here are the names of the newly elected officers:
Dr. Peggy Owens, First Vice-President
Rev. Patty Smith, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Effie Woodard, Recording Secretary
Ms. Karlease Smalls, Coordinator Young Adult Missionary Society
Mrs. April Davis, Superintendent Buds of Promise
Mrs. Joy Williamson-Foster, Chairman, Life Members Council
Ms. Camryn Ivey, Director of Communications
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