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We Make Eagles


The life of Mr. Kenneth Earl Jones ended abruptly for him, and it came to a devastating end for us when he sat down in his favorite chair on Saturday, July 1st, 2023.

At his side was the love of his life, his devoted wife of 46 years, Mrs. Jean Walton Jones, and their two children, Kendra and Micah. Micah was just returning home after attending his best friend’s grandmother’s funeral. They have been extremely devoted to their parents all of their lives. The intense pain of Kenneth's loss is ongoing and excruciating to all of us who knew and loved him.

Kenneth was a lifelong member of the African Methodist Episcopal A. M. E. Zion Church. His spiritual journey began at Butler Chapel A. M. E. Zion Church in Greenville, AL, under the pastorate of the late Reverend Doctor James E. Cook.

After graduating college from Tuskegee Institute located in Tuskegee, AL, Kenneth and Jean joined Mount Zion A. M.E. Zion Church of Montgomery, AL. It was at Mount Zion that the Jones Family asked Reverend Claude A. Shuford to permit them to organize Troop 224.

This scouting ministry has been the only complete African American scouting ministry in Montgomery, AL. Mr. Jones, as the scouts affectionately called him, said, "I think that we have found our niche."

This statement was an understatement of his life in ministry at Mount Zion. Twenty-one years later and fifteen Eagle Scouts later, Kenneth and Jean have become the scouting gurus of the black churches of Montgomery, Alabama. No other African American church has produced one-fifth of the Eagle Scouts of Troop 224. The evidence of his life proves that we make Eagles! Mount Zion's words of gratitude are beyond expression as we consider this monumental accomplishment. In addition, Kenneth's first Eagle Scout was his own son, Mr. Micah Walton Jones, Pastor Shuford's godson.

These Eagles are our pride and joy. Five (5) of the Eagle Scouts were members of Mount Zion. As a result of this, Mount Zion's scouting ministry is an ongoing outreach ministry of the Christian Education Department. We make Eagles!

Finally, as we move forward, Mrs. Jean Jones, Mount Zion's Executive Officer, and Reverend Shuford have asked a retired Colonel and pilot, Mr. Michael Hanshaw, to serve as the interim Scout Master. Colonel Hanshaw has been a tremendous help serving as Troop 224’s Assistant Scout Master alongside Mr. Jones for several years.

Therefore, the choice was immediate and with no uncertainty. Mount Zion's commitment remains tremendous to the Scouting Ministry. Another Eagle is flying our way within six months!

We thank God for the late Mr. Kenneth Earl Jones. Although he never achieved the rank of Eagle Scout himself, he has influenced countless young men and established a legacy here at Mount Zion with the Scouting ministry. Because of his dedication and selflessness, we have the capability to continue his work.

We solicit your prayers for his wife, children, four brothers, family, and friends.

To God BE The Glory!

We make eagles, Kenneth Jones, Scout, Mount Zion, Troop 224