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"A Double Portion of God's Blessings"


Submitted By: Ms. Linda Sutton

WH&OMS Parent Body President, Goler Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church

Photos By: Dr. Vincent Howell

Goler Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina recently experienced a double portion of God’s blessings. The church, which is a part of the Winston-Salem District, Western North Carolina Conference, Piedmont Episcopal District, is one of the oldest African-American churches in Winston-Salem still in existence. Goler Memorial was founded in 1881 as Winston Tabernacle A.M.E. Zion Church and held its first worship service in the Forsyth County Court House.

On Sunday evening, February 26, 2023, surrounded by A.M.E. Zion church leaders, including Bishop Darryl B, Starnes, Sr., Rev. Dr. Calvin L. Miller, Presiding Elder of the Winston-Salem District, Presiding Elders, Active, Retired, and Former General Officers, Ecumenical and Zion Pastors and Ministers, Lay Leaders, and Members of the congregation, the church celebrated burning the mortgage on all indebtedness and the dedication of a new church located at 3894 Northampton Drive, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27105. The new facility is a 15,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art church situated on 27 acres of land. By God’s grace, the church was able to purchase the property debt-free! Yes, God did it!

The services begin with the dedication of the Bishop George E. Battle, Jr. and Mrs. Iris M. Battle Executive Board Room. Goler Memorial’s Pastor and First Lady, the Rev. Dr. George C. Banks, and Mrs. Keisha Banks, noted in their written remarks that without the leadership of Bishop and Mrs. Battle, this amazing day would not have been possible. Bishop Battle assisted the church in negotiating a major indebtedness when he served as the Presiding Bishop of the Piedmont Episcopal District. After a spirited prayer service led by local ministers, the mortgage burning and dedication service began. The Goler Memorial Mass Choir, led by Music and Arts Director Brandy Hunter, and the Winston-Salem District Choir, led by Rev. Denise Scott, blessed those in attendance with soul-stirring selections. Bishop Darryl B. Starnes, Sr. electrified the congregation with an inspiring message entitled, “Harvesting Souls for God.” This message challenged Goler Memorial to continue to seek to win souls for Christ and make disciples in this new community. Goler Memorial has been blessed to witness 58 salvations since June 1, 2022, so this was a timely message for this growing, vibrant congregation.

Goler Memorial continues to solicit the prayers of the entire A.M.E. Zion family as they venture into this new, exciting season, seeking to do the will of God.


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